Darren Copeland

Sound Artist

Night Camera

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A ‘night camera’ is an imaginary listening aid that like an infrared scanner allows one to probe regions lying beyond the common, everyday frame of experience. Each of the three scenes of the composition Night Camera are situated in their own identifiable, and rather ordinary, environmental setting. The listener’s journey is a quest for worlds existing within the territory of the ordinary. As Don Ihde puts it in Listening and Voice, “listening begins with the ordinary, by proximately working its way into what is as yet unheard.”

Each scene unfolds inside a recording from the World Soundscape Collection.

Night Camera premiered at the Western Front in Vancouver during Journées Électro-Radio Days (JERD) in December 1993. Special thanks to the individuals who made the recordings for the World Soundscape Collection, and to Barry Truax for his critical and technical support through the compositional process.


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