Darren Copeland

Sound Artist

The Other Night, Underwater

a radiophonic work by Darren Copeland and Andreas Kahre

Listen on Sonosphere.org

Commissioned in 2008 by Deutschlandradio Kultur Klangkunst

Oceans, lakes, rivers, and ponds. On different scales they are repositories – resonating collectors of soliloquies, of dreams and memories, of desires to begin or to end a journey in the sea within. Bodies of water form a luminous boundary between the human and the non-human, between different scales of time, and of being.

The Other Night, Underwater uses text collaged from original and borrowed sources along with underwater recordings and electroacoustic transformations. The 50 minute radio art piece takes the listener on a series of dives (Tauchgang) through monologues of a teenager’s swim across Lake Ontario, a murdered revolutionary floating in the Berlin Landwehrkanal, and a sinking BC Ferries ship on the Pacific coast.

Klangmaterial für diese Komposition sind Unterwasseraufnahmen von Meer, Seen und Flüssen, die die Autoren als “klingende Depots von Träumen und Erinnerungen” verstehen. “Wasserkörper bilden eine leuchtende Grenze zwischen dem Menschlichen und dem Nicht-Menschlichen, zwischen Zeitskalen und dem Leben”.

Das Stück kombiniert Sounds, elektroakustisch transformiert, mit mehrsprachigen Textfragmenten wie den inneren Monologen einer ermordeten Revolutionärin, einer jungen Schwimmerin und eines ungeborenen Kindes.

The following text is one we wrote as a point of inspiration and departure for the piece:

Not “the other night”
but the night for all “others”
that is who lurks beneath those waters.

The night of iced lips calling out to inner ears
The night of sirens begging for blind immersion
The night of never again returning
and finally learning
the language of the other.

The night beneath those waters is never silent
its rhythms and scales are known more by our bones then our ears
but under those deep waters
is a world not unlike the dreams
half of ourselves ever uncover

that world is the other
the other night
the one we never pass
the one underwater


Darren Copeland, geboren 1968 in Brampton, Ontario, lebt in Toronto, ist Komponist und Sound-Designer. Seit 1985 Konzerte, Arbeiten für Radio, Theater, Tanz und Installation. Zuletzt in DKultur “Ich will kein Inmich mehr sein” (2005).

Andreas Kahre, Vancouver, ist interdisziplinärer Künstler, Musiker und Designer. Er arbeitet für Tanztheater und Musikensembles in Kanada.